FP2020 Awards Indonesia $54,600 Through the Rapid Response Mechanism to Improve Family Planning in 8 Districts

In July, Family Planning 2020 awarded Advance Family Planning partner Yayasan Cipta Cara Padu Foundation a Rapid Response Mechanism (RRM) grant to support the KB Kencana national family planning revitalization program in Indonesia. The grant will fund advocacy efforts in 8 districts in 4 provinces with some of the greatest family planning needs in the… Continue reading FP2020 Awards Indonesia $54,600 Through the Rapid Response Mechanism to Improve Family Planning in 8 Districts

Three Rural Districts Allocate $20,700 to Family Planning in Tanzania

Three rural districts made budget allocations for family planning totaling US $20,700 in the Lake Zone of Tanzania, which reports some of the lowest contraceptive prevalence rates in the country. Advocacy led by local Advance Family Planning partner Health Promotion Tanzania (HDT) culminated in the Serengeti District and Tarime Town Councils allocating funding from their… Continue reading Three Rural Districts Allocate $20,700 to Family Planning in Tanzania

Ministers discuss Global Strategy at Call to Action meeting in Delhi

The two-day global ‘Call to Action Summit 2015’ concluded with Ministers and senior delegates from more than 22 countries delegations adopting the Delhi Declaration on ‘ending preventable maternal and child deaths’. The declaration was developed as an outcome of the high-level ministerial conclave held at the summit. The Summit was an opportunity for Health Ministers,… Continue reading Ministers discuss Global Strategy at Call to Action meeting in Delhi

Kenya Official Report: Financial, Policy and Political Commitments

The Government of Kenya had a temporary loss of the family planning budget line following devolution, however this is being addressed and the government has allocated USD $500,000 as a line item for family planning commodities in the year 2015-2016, [and] this will be scaled up in coming years. The supply plan requirements for 2015-2016… Continue reading Kenya Official Report: Financial, Policy and Political Commitments

India Official Report

In August 2015, the Government of India shared an update on its commitment to FP2020. Here are the government’s responses. 34 million eligible couples in India have been provided with modern contraceptives in 2014 (3.9 million female sterilization, 0.78 million male sterilization, 5.2 million IUCD insertions, 4.5 million condom users and 3.2 million [oral contraceptive pill]… Continue reading India Official Report

Healthy women and children at the centre of the Sustainable Development Goals

After three years of intense advocacy, women and children’s health is poised to claim a central role in the new post-2015 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) agenda. The proposed outcome document of the SDG Summit, Transforming Our World: The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, was published this week. It includes a broad range of targets relating… Continue reading Healthy women and children at the centre of the Sustainable Development Goals

Informed Choice: One Text Message at a Time

Today, more Mozambicans are using mobile phones than ever before. What if we could use these phones to share accurate, clear information about sexual health contraceptives with youth? Could we deliver this information in a creative way that fosters reflection and dialogue, ensuring young people have full and informed choice? Yes. Here’s proof.

Empowerment: Women in Ghana Take Charge of their Reproductive Lives

Rahinatu is 18 years old and works in one of Accra’s busiest markets. She has travelled down to Accra from Northern Ghana to work as a kayayei (market porter), hoping to save enough money to buy the household goods and utensils she’ll need before she can get married.  She has worked in the markets for six months, but life as a kayayei is desperately hard. Women and girls like Rahinatu sleep rough in market stall doorways or in abandoned boxes, and are highly vulnerable to sexual harassment and rape.

Acceptability: Listening to What Women Want

By: John Townsend, Population Council Providing a range of safe and effective contraceptive methods that enable women to plan their families promotes gender equality and female empowerment.  But if manufacturers and designers don’t take women’s preferences and life contexts into account, a new product could fail to meet their needs and end up as a… Continue reading Acceptability: Listening to What Women Want

Accessibility: Breaking Down the Barriers between Women and Family Planning

By Moazzam Ali, Regional Manager for Asia and Pacific Regions at the Department of Reproductive Health and Research, World Health Organization, and Jean José Nzau Mvuezolo, Senior Regional Advisor/SAF PAC Initiative, CARE USA  What keeps women from accessing family planning services? In Pakistan, as in many low-income countries, one of the obstacles is cost. Pakistan’s state-run… Continue reading Accessibility: Breaking Down the Barriers between Women and Family Planning