Can Advocates and Technical Partners Catalyze a Trend Shift in Domestic Resources for Family Planning?

Global expenditure tracking for family planning suggests domestic resources for this critical program have increased at a slow rate, Domestic resources are insufficient to complement external support and deliver ambitious targets for new users and increases in modern contraceptive prevalence.

External partners working on health programs related to HIV and immunization have been experimenting with incentives and performance-based structures to raise domestic funding. What can work for family planning to catalyze domestic financing, in line with countriesā€™ broader health and development goals?

A new framework developed by HP+ provides a structure for development partners and advocacy groups to work with country governments to identify and implement catalytic interventions for family planning in four areas: advocacy, capacity development, policy, and expansion of the family planning market.

During this webinar, HP+ introduced this framework. The FP2020 Partnership shared perspectives on the need for these kinds of investments and the potential for success. The PEPFAR Sustainable Financing Initiative, led by USAID, presented experiences with catalyzing domestic investment in HIV, while the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation funded ā€œChallenge Initiativeā€Ā discussed experiences with using matching funds and other interventions to raise domestic resources for family planning.