Women receiving induced abortions or postabortion care are at high risk of subsequent unintended pregnancy, and intervals of less than six months between abortion and subsequent pregnancy may be associated with adverse outcomes. This study highlights the prevalence and attributes of postabortion contraceptive acceptance from 2,456 health facilities in six major Indian states, among 292,508 women who received abortion care services from July 2011 through June 2014. Eighty-one percent of the women accepted postabortion contraceptive methods: 53 percent short-term, 11 percent intrauterine devices, and 16 percent sterilization. Postabortion contraceptive acceptance was highest among women who were aged 25 years and older, received first-trimester services, received induced abortion, attended primary-level health facilities, and had medical abortions. Doctors receiving post-training support were more likely to offer contraceptives, but no association was observed between such support and acceptance of IUDs or sterilization. Comprehensive service-delivery interventions, including ensuring availability of skilled providers and contraceptive commodities, offering clinical mentoring for providers, identifying and addressing provider bias, and improving provider counseling skills, can increase postabortion contraceptive acceptance and reduce unintended pregnancy.