South Sudan delegation meets with UFPC as part of South-to-South learning

South Sudanese delegation to the just ended Anglophone Africa Focal Point Workshop in Uganda met with members of the Uganda Family Planning Consortium (UFPC), on the sidelines of the meeting as part of the south-to-south learning under the FP2030 East and Southern Africa (ESA) Hub, initiative. UFPC is non-profit membership organization established in 2010 to… Continue reading South Sudan delegation meets with UFPC as part of South-to-South learning

Malawi launches FP2030 Commitment

Malawi’s Ministry of Health recently launched the country’s FP2030 commitment and costed implementation plan, which together seek to increase the modern contraceptive rate in the country from 48% to 60% by 2030. “The FP2030 East and Southern Africa Hub is looking forward to working even more closely with the Government of Malawi and the civil… Continue reading Malawi launches FP2030 Commitment

SRHR Advocates embark on a caravan to raise awareness

A group of youth focal points from Zimbabwe, Zambia, Rwanda, Kenya, and Uganda, together with 30 other young people recently participated in a 500km (about 310.69 mi), two-day caravan ahead of the Reproductive Health Network (RHNK), 6th Annual Conference on Adolescent and Youth SRHR. This year’s theme is “Localization of Global SRHR Commitments.”  As the caravan… Continue reading SRHR Advocates embark on a caravan to raise awareness

FP2030 focal points workshops return to galvanize the family planning partnership

The success of the FP2030 global family partnership is grounded in the shared learning and collaboration of family planning leaders in governments, civil society and youth-led organizations, international NGOs and donors, and technical experts. Their shared commitment to accelerating the use of family planning has yielded stronger programs for more people, and led to the… Continue reading FP2030 focal points workshops return to galvanize the family planning partnership

FP2030 ESA Hub deepens cooperation with Zambia Family Planning Technical Working Group

The FP2030 East and Southern Africa (ESA) Hub, recently met with the Zambia Family Planning Technical Working Group, in Lusaka on the eve of the launch of the Zambian FP2030 Commitment, to discuss the FP2030 devolved structure and the utility of the Focal Point Structure. The ESA Hub, Advocacy, Accountability and Partnership Manager, Peter Ngure,… Continue reading FP2030 ESA Hub deepens cooperation with Zambia Family Planning Technical Working Group

The Government of Zambia launches FP2030 Commitments

The Government of the Republic of Zambia recently launched their FP2030 Country Commitment, a Costed Implementation Plan, Investment Case, and “Road Map to RMNCH,” to position itself to build on the goals outlined in the FP2030 commitment. Speaking on the launch, Zambia’s Minister of Health, Honorable Sylvia Masebo, said, “Among the key steps that have been… Continue reading The Government of Zambia launches FP2030 Commitments

FP2030 Puts Down Roots in Latin America

By Onyi Ijeh, Coordinator, Communications, FP2030 As FP2030 continues to build out to a regional hub structure, we are deepening our work and partnerships in the Latin America and Caribbean Region (LAC). We recently convened a gathering of regional experts on the current challenges and opportunities around sexual and reproductive health. (You can watch the… Continue reading FP2030 Puts Down Roots in Latin America

South Sudan launches FP2030 commitments

On December 7, the government of South Sudan today launched its FP2030 Commitment, continuing a journey begun in 2017 with country’s FP2020 commitment. In launching its commitment, the government also released key complementary documents, the Reproductive Health Policy and Costed Implementation Plan, as part of its recognition the role of family planning in achieving the… Continue reading South Sudan launches FP2030 commitments