SRHR Advocates embark on a caravan to raise awareness

A group of youth focal points from Zimbabwe, Zambia, Rwanda, Kenya, and Uganda, together with 30 other young people recently participated in a 500km (about 310.69 mi), two-day caravan ahead of the Reproductive Health Network (RHNK), 6th Annual Conference on Adolescent and Youth SRHR.

This year’s theme is “Localization of Global SRHR Commitments.” 

As the caravan made its way from Kajiado to Diani, Kwale, they made several stops, allowing the young people on board to have conversations about solutions toward ending teenage pregnancies, gender-based violence (GBV), and HIV and AIDS, as well as how to increase the distribution of information on sexual and reproductive health.

“While on the road we had the opportunity to interact with several local communities. This is part of the meaningful engagement and wanting to hear directly from the affected young people. And what came out clear and loud is the need for increased and active male participation in all the SRHR strategies,” said Gloria Masula, Youth Engagement Officer FP2030 East and Southern Africa Hub.

Onward Chironda, FP2030 youth focal point from Zimbabwe, said, “young people own their voices! If young people are not part of the agenda, then these country commitments cannot be met.”

To receive the caravan was the Governor of Kwale County, Hon. Salim Mvurya, called for a well-coordinated multi-pronged strategy for issues affecting young people, “there is no single solution regarding issues affecting young people. Adolescents and young peoples’ needs should be addressed differently in consideration of their diversity.”

“To ensure meaningful engagement of youth, FP2030 is working to enhance the leadership role of youth leaders in advocacy processes for family planning. We believe that these leaders are best placed to speak to their own health needs and to rally together with other partners to influence policy change and reproductive health programs.

“We will therefore invest in ensuring that they have the advocacy skills and opportunity to carry this agenda,” said Dr Sheila Macharia, FP2030 East and Southern Africa Managing Director.

FP2030 and the Centre for Reproductive Rights (CRR) are this year’s RHNK conference co-conveners. The conference brings together government officials, civil society, academia, the private sector, faith-based organizations, grass roots organizations and other partners, interested in the pursuit of sexual and reproductive health and rights in Kenya and the African region to share experienced in advocating for comprehensive access to SRH information and services.