Creating equitable access to high-quality family planning information and services: A Strategic Planning Guide

This Strategic Planning Guide is intended to guide program managers, planners, and decision makers through a process to identify inequities in family planning and interventions to reduce them. The guide was developed through consultation and deliberation with technical experts in family planning and health equity and builds upon the discussion paper on equity in family planning developed under the Partnership for High Impact Practices for Family Planning.

Equity in family planning does not mean that all groups use contraceptionā€”or specific methods of contraceptionā€”at the same rates. Rather, equity is realized when all individuals have access to high-quality reproductive health information and contraceptive services, including choice of methods and availability of those methods, that reflect their values and preferences and the context in which they liveā€”regardless of age, sex, disability, race, ethnicity, origin, religion, economic status, or other factors.