The Consumer Perspective – A Consultation with Senior Health Officials from Developing Countries on Standards of Evidence for Reproductive and Maternal Health Care

From February 9-11 2016, the Population Council (through the Evidence Project and the STEP UP consortium) and the High Impact Practices (HIP) Collaboration, together with other partners, held the third and final in a series of meetings on Standards of Evidence for Reproductive and Maternal Health Care at the Rockefeller Foundation Bellagio Center.

The meeting brought together developing country decision-makers to vet, from the research ā€œconsumerā€ perspective, recommendations from the second consultation on research design and methodologies, and to elicit further recommendations on how to better generate and package evidence to meet the needs of decision-makers. Also in attendance at the Bellagio meeting were donors, multi-lateral organizations, and researchers from the second consultation, so that they could better understand the decision-makersā€™ perspectives and to forge connections between ā€œproducersā€ and ā€œconsumersā€ of evidence. The meeting report contains a summary of the meeting and the recommendations that emerged.