The FP2030 commitment-making process refers to the actions that countries undertake to develop, draft, and finalize their FP2030 commitments. While each country’s specific focus may look different in response to its specific needs and context, there are often common themes. There are also similarities regarding how countries decide on their commitment focuses. In order to better understand country commitment best practices and lessons learned, including specific technical areas of focus, a small team of FP2030 focal points, with support from Knowledge SUCCESS, conducted key informant interviews with (and collected supplemental written responses from) in-country stakeholders in nine countries—Nigeria, Madagascar, Pakistan, Rwanda, Niger, South Sudan, Kyrgyz Republic, Benin, and Uganda— and the FP2030 Support Network. Stakeholders represented a broad range of individuals involved in the commitment making process, including government officials, FP2030 civil society organization (CSO) and youth focal points, and donors. Case study development began in March 2022 and concluded in September 2023.
Committed to Family Planning: Learnings from Nine Countries’ FP2030 Country Commitments