Rahnuma-FPAP along with other civil society actors is helping the state heath authorities to effectively combat this sudden surge of COVID 19 as such entities played an indispensable role in the frontlines to provide emergency relief to the worst-hit areas. Rahnuma-FPAP provided all requisite equipment’s and necessary logistics to all our services delivery points as our services delivery apparatus is composed of ten fully equipped Family Health Hospitals, more than one hundred Family Health Centers and thousands Community Based Distributors and Private Practitioners which benet hundred thousand people annually. The contributions of Rahnuma-FPAP are recognized by Government of Pakistan through its quarterly performance report issued by Pakistan Bureau of Statistics, under Planning Division (www.PBS.gov.pak). Rahnuma-FPAP being one of the oldest CSO is exclusively devoted and mandated to provide integrated advocacy and sector specific services on family Planning and reproductive health since 1949.
RAHNUMA – FPAP Newsletter: Coronavirus Response