Dear colleague: Family Planning 2030 is renewing the commitment we made in 2012. Will you join us? Our 2021 Year of Transition continues and I’m excited to announce two critical milestones in building the new partnership — the launch of FP2030’s Commitments Toolkit and the call for expressions of interest to host regional hubs in Africa. In the new FP2030 structure, FP2030 staff will be operating from five Regional Hubs that will be embedded within non-governmental host institutions in five cities to manage FP2030’s presence in these regions: North, West and Central Africa; East and Southern Africa; Asia and the Pacific; Latin America and the Caribbean; and North America and Europe. Applications for Expressions of Interest are now open for the two Africa Regional Hubs, with the deadline of April 30, 2021. In our next phase, the partnership will expand beyond our initial 69 focus countries. We’ll collaborate more closely across sectors, creating stronger ties for accountability, and engaging with partners beyond family planning. To help governments, civil society, youth leaders, donors, and other stakeholders plan their commitments, we have created the FP2030 Commitments toolkit. This resource contains everything you need to develop a commitment that is responsive, rights- and evidence-based, and prioritizes accountability measures. The Toolkit contains a range of thematic briefs to help you think through different aspects of family planning that you may want to consider in crafting your commitment — among them, you can learn more about accountability as a key theme for commitments here or how to engage youth-led organizations when developing commitments that are responsive to adolescent and youth needs. It can be hard to know where to begin, so FP2030 held a workshop in March to guide you through the process. This is just the first in a series of online discussions with FP2030, and you can also send questions to We will hold the first workshop in French on April 15th, and in the coming weeks, we will hold additional discussions centered around key thematic areas, such as Accountability, Emergency Preparedness & Response, and Financing Family Planning. This week FP2020’s Reference Group will meet for the last time, and will provide essential guidance on the new governance and operable structures going forward. We look forward to sharing the outcome of that discussion with you all in our next newsletter. We continue on this journey to shape the FP2030 partnership together. If you have questions, or if you need additional background information, please don’t hesitate to contact us at Warmly, Beth Schlachter Steps to Consider in Making an FP2030 Commitment As we celebrate and build on the accomplishments of commitments to the FP2020 partnership, we welcome you to recommit—or commit for the first time—to advancing family planning in your country, your community, or your workplace, by making a commitment to FP2030. The new FP2030 commitments toolkit has all the tools you’ll need to craft your new or renewed commitment. By making a new or renewed FP2030 commitment, you will contribute to and benefit from the largest and most active community of practice on rights-based family planning in the world. The new FP2030 commitments toolkit contains a multitude of resources to craft measurable, rights-based, and actionable commitments, including nine steps to consider in making your commitment, examples of promising accountability mechanisms, guidance on incorporating key themes, and more—and it’s all continually updated. Steps shown above apply to government commitments Learn More About What Steps to Consider When Making a Commitment: Incorporating Key Themes in Your FP2030 Commitment It’s critical that FP2030 commitments take the needs of a wide range of stakeholders and family planning users into account – but how? FP2030 has started creating a suite of resources to share best practices in incorporating key themes into FP2030 commitments. Learn more about these themes in the commitments toolkit, and read some of the guidance below. More guidance will be written and released on a rolling basis. Examples of Promising Accountability Mechanisms FP2030 is establishing a robust commitment-making process that strengthens the role of civil society—including equitable partnerships with adolescents and youth—and requires a framework for mutual accountability from the start. Making a commitment to the FP2030 partnership is an opportunity to help make accountability mechanisms stronger, more systematic, and more transparent. Accountability is also a way of ensuring that laws, policies, programs, and services fulfill the needs and rights of intended beneficiaries and do no harm. Learn more about accountability as a key theme for commitments here, and check out this brief for examples of promising accountability mechanisms to consider while drafting your own commitment. Checklist for Non-Government Commitment Makers Whether you are a civil society, youth-led, academic, multilateral or funding organization, or from the private sector, this easy-to-use checklist will help ensure your commitment is as strong as it can be. Building FP2030: Updates on the Next Phase of the Partnership 2021 is a year of transition for FP2030. The biggest change: we’re shifting from one centralized Secretariat in Washington, DC, to a network of regional hubs around the world. Want to learn more? Check out the new regional hubs FAQ page. FP2030 is hiring! The partnership is seeking a senior manager for strategy and coordination. Learn more on our website. The COVID-19 pandemic has substantially strained health systems across the globe. This commentary outlines ways in which particular High Impact Practices in Family Planning (HIPs) may serve as useful references to global FP stakeholders as they respond to the impact of COVID-19. How can we double the uptake of modern contraceptives by 2030? Is investing more in health services and contraceptive supply enough, or do other systems in society—our media, education, law and culture—have a crucial role to play? Development Media International invites you to an online panel event to discuss. There is a growing consensus that adolescent-friendly health services—as currently implemented—are not consistently scalable nor sustainable. Learn more about adolescent-responsive health systems that work in this new blog by Knowledge Success. Earlier this month, FP2030, in partnership with UNFPA, IPPF, and IAWG hosted the first in a series of webinars on preparedness tools. The webinar recording is now available, with an overview of key resources, including the Ready to Save Lives preparedness toolkit and the MISP Readiness Assessment. FP2030 Commitments 101: If you couldn’t making the Introduction to FP2030 Commitments webinar, don’t miss the recording, now available on YouTube. A French version of the webinar will be held soon April 15 at 9 am ET. The International Conference on Family Planning (ICFP) Secretariat, in coordination with the experts who constructed the World Health Organization’s Mass Gathering Guidelines, the ICFP Core Organizing Group, International Steering Committee, and National Steering Committee Secretariat has made the decision to further postpone the sixth ICFP, originally rescheduled for November 8-11, 2021 in Pattaya City, Thailand, to November 14-17, 2022. Learn more about this decision on the ICFP website. UPCOMING WEBINARS ![]() What does it look like to implement an adolescent responsive approach?
Knowledge Success and FP2030 April 8 at 7 am ET Register ![]()
News and Updates from FP2030