FDA: 51 Contraceptives, Including Implanon, Can’t Cause Abortion

The 51 contraceptive products, including the controversial Implanon and Implanon NXT, that were covered by the temporary restraining order (TRO) of the Supreme Court, have been determined to be non-abortifacient, or cannot cause abortion, by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

In Advisory No. 2017-302 dated Nov. 11, 2017, the FDA said it has already concluded the re-evaluation of the 51 contraceptive products.

“Per the FDA Resolutions dated 10 November 2017 (on the applications for recertification filed by the Market Authorization Holders [MAHs] with opposition filed by Alliance for the Family Foundation, Philippines, Inc. [ALFI]), the foregoing contraceptive products have been determined to be NON-ABORTIFACIENT,” the FDA said in its advisory.