Dear Colleague, When we began this year, we had planned for a year of creative analysis to assess progress since 2012, and a year of reflection on the lessons we can bring to the next iteration of the FP2020 partnership’s measurement framework. The best laid plans, however, often go awry, and although the community is still working to distill the lessons learned since the partnership’s launch, the global pandemic has presented many new measurement challenges.
In addition to the innumerable impacts on lives, health, and livelihoods, data systems have also been affected. Field work for most of the household and facility surveys that we’ve relied upon for decades is temporarily suspended, and health management information system data from April and May is only just beginning to become available. So, while we have become accustomed to reviewing daily updates on COVID-19 cases, data on the impacts of COVID-19 on family planning commodities, services, and use is only just emerging.
To facilitate sharing of information and coordinated efforts, FP2020 has created a Task Team on measuring COVID-19 impacts on family planning. This week we’re launching a new webpage on COVID-19 impacts where FP2020 partners can share and aggregate resources. Data on impacts on services can be found from Marie Stopes International (MSI) and International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF), a new scenario/modeling tool (MICRO) that looks at possible impacts on commodity needs is available from RHSC and Avenir Health, and more information will continue to be added in the coming weeks.
But we’re not losing sight of our original plans to reflect back on measurement lessons and look forward to measurement in the next partnership. This week, we’re launching the first installment in a joint FP2020 and Track20 Measurement Learning Series. The first brief reflects on FP2020’s decision in 2012 to report on family planning use among all women, rather than only married women. Finally, the Secretariat is busy planning for the future, and working with the Performance, Monitoring, and Evidence (PME) Working Group to review the current FP2020 Measurement Framework with the aim of sharing a draft of a next measurement framework for community review at the end of August.
The work we must undertake now is clear – even if it looks a little different than we’d planned.
Jason Bremner, FP2020 Director of Data and Performance Management
MEASUREMENT SPOTLIGHT ![]() COVID-19 FP IMPACT TASK TEAM Through the recently launched COVID-19 FP Impact Task Team, FP2020 is convening data partners to monitor, measure and model the impact of COVID-19 on family planning. The Task Team is focusing on developing an early assessment of the impact of COVID-19 on data collection and data systems; identifying ways government and private sector HMIS data or other data can be used as early warning systems for service delivery impacts; monitoring impacts on supply chains; and using models and scenarios to estimate impacts on family planning. ![]() MEASUREMENT LEARNING SERIES – PART 1: MEASURING CONTRACEPTIVE USE AMONG ALL WOMEN We are excited to launch the FP2020 Measurement Learning Series, where we explore the successes, challenges, and lessons from FP2020’s measurement agenda, and discuss the implications for the next family planning partnership. FP2020 is grounded in the fundamental principle that all women, regardless of marital status, should be able to choose from a full range of high-quality family planning methods. Accordingly, FP2020 elected at the outset to monitor modern contraceptive use among all women, rather than only married or in-union women. Focusing only on the “all-women” measure, however, has presented new challenges. ![]() WORKING TOWARD THE NEXT FAMILY PLANNING MEASUREMENT FRAMEWORK Annual progress reporting and data-based decision making have been cited as strengths of the current FP2020 partnership. The PME Working Group is using the strong foundation of the current measurement framework and core indicators as a starting point for discussions about what comes next. The measurement agenda of FP2020 has evolved since 2012, and the PME Working Group, FP2020 secretariat, and partners are continually taking up new measurement challenges. As we work toward the new measurement framework, we also know that our work will be far from complete.
RESOURCES FROM THE FIELD PMNCH: Breastfeeding & COVID-19, Video and Podcast PMNCH demonstrates how mothers with COVID can safely breastfeed, providing their newborn with the best source of nutrition and protection to survive and thrive. For more on the impact this global health emergency is having on women and children, Channel Africa’s Jane Rabothata spoke to Catherine Kyobutungi from the African Population and Health Research Center.
MICRO: Modeling the impact of COVID-19 mitigation on contraceptive needs COVID-19 is changing how countries meet the contraceptive needs of women and girls. Each new day, we recognize afresh that the future we have been planning (and procuring) for differs from the world we see today
WHO/UNAIDS: New Report on HIV/FP Integration This new report from WHO and UNAIDS determines the steps to improve and integrate HIV prevention and contraceptive services to reduce new HIV infections among women.
UNAIDS: Mitigating the impact of COVID-19 on key populations UNAIDS outlines the strategic considerations for mitigating the impact of COVID-19 on key population focused HIV programs.
Pandemic Preparedness: Strengthening Family Planning Policies Today to Secure Essential Services for Tomorrow This story from New Security Beat assesses the security of essential services for family planning and reproductive health. LOOKING AHEAD
Putting Policy into Practice: Ensuring access to sexual and reproductive health care while implementing World Health Organization guidance on essential health services in the COVID-19 context FP2020, PAI, Pathfinder, Advance Family Planning Asia Pacific Conference on Reproductive and Sexual Health and Rights, #APCRSHR10 Virtual Reproductive Health Association of Cambodia (RHAC) and CNS AIDS2020 Virtual: FP2020 Satellite Session One Year After ECHO: FP/HIV Integration in the Time of COVID-19 |