Covid-19; MFCS team holds reach out event at Bawku west district

Community health worker during a home visit, providing family planning services and options to women in the community. This proactive program is supported by Reproductive Health Uganda.

A team from Muslim Family Counseling Services (MFCS) at Zebilla of Bawku West District have embarked on a public sensitization activity on some of the health precautions against the coronavirus infection.

The team per their modus operandi operate in mobile vans to reach out to residents living in hard to reach communities.

The key areas of sensitization has been socal distancing, regular hand washing with soap and the use of alcohol based sanitizers.

Aside the education on COVID-19, they also encourage women who have reached the reproductive stage to stick to the approved family planning methods even in the wake of coronavirus.

Men were also advised to assist the women by refraining from all forms of sexual based violence against women.