Department of Health Welcomes Representatives from 11 Asian Nations for 2nd Asian Regional Focal Point Workshop

On behalf of the Philippine government and the Filipino people, the top leadership of the Department of Health (DOH) welcomes attendees of Family Planning 2020’s (FP2020) second Asia Regional Focal Point Workshop, which is being held in Manila from May 8-10. In her opening remarks on the two-day international workshop, Department of Health Secretary Paulyn Jean… Continue reading Department of Health Welcomes Representatives from 11 Asian Nations for 2nd Asian Regional Focal Point Workshop

Lao PDR holds its first-ever national family planning conference

A LANDMARK EVENT, A BLUEPRINT FOR THE FUTURE: THE FIRST NATIONAL FAMILY PLANNING CONFERENCE IN LAO PEOPLE’S DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC   Vientiane, May 3, 2017 – A landmark event is taking place in the Lao People’s Democratic Republic this week, as the government holds the country’s first-ever national family planning conference, with the support of the United… Continue reading Lao PDR holds its first-ever national family planning conference

Global Financing Facility Investors Group Approves Civil Society Engagement Strategy

On April 24th, the Global Financing Facility Investors Group (GFF IG) approved the GFF Civil Society Engagement Strategy to ensure that civil society is meaningfully involved in the GFF partnership, from sub-national to national to global levels. The strategy seeks to ensure the full breadth of civil society skills and expertise contribute to determining and achieving mutual goals… Continue reading Global Financing Facility Investors Group Approves Civil Society Engagement Strategy

Belgium is joining forces with UNICEF and UNFPA in Benin to tackle child marriage and sexual exploitation

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Development Cooperation Alexander De Croo today signed two programmes in Benin, related to the promotion of sexual and reproductive health and rights. Belgium will be cooperating with UNICEF to help combat child marriages. With the support of our country, the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) will be setting up… Continue reading Belgium is joining forces with UNICEF and UNFPA in Benin to tackle child marriage and sexual exploitation

Fifth ICFP Will Take Place in Kigali, Rwanda, November 12-15, 2018

The fifth International Conference on Family Planning (ICFP) will take place in Kigali, Rwanda, from November 12 to 15, 2018. The announcement was made today by the Bill & Melinda Gates Institute for Population and Reproductive Health and the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Rwanda, the conference co-hosts. The ICFP will be held… Continue reading Fifth ICFP Will Take Place in Kigali, Rwanda, November 12-15, 2018

Clarifying Terminology: Performance Monitoring and Evidence Working Group Statement on the Term 'Additional users'

At its semi-annual meeting in Nairobi, Kenya in March 2017, the FP2020 Performance Monitoring & Evidence Working Group (PME WG) acknowledged the confusion around the term “additional users,” – FP2020 Core Indicator 1 – and sought to clarify the terminology with the following statement: “The term “additional users” does not apply to individuals, but refers to the… Continue reading Clarifying Terminology: Performance Monitoring and Evidence Working Group Statement on the Term 'Additional users'

UNFPA Providing Frontline Emergency Response to Families Fleeing West Mosul

As more people flee the current fighting in the West of Mosul city reaching around 97,000 individuals, UNFPA is stepping up efforts to meet their reproductive health needs and gender-based violence concerns. In Qayarra and Jadaa camps currently hosting over 50,000 individuals and still receiving more families from West Mosul, UNFPA is supporting a delivery… Continue reading UNFPA Providing Frontline Emergency Response to Families Fleeing West Mosul

New Web Resource: Rights-Based Family Planning

Rights-based family planning is an approach to developing and implementing programs that aims to fulfill the rights of all individuals to choose whether, when, and how many children to have; to act on those choices through high-quality sexual and reproductive health services, information, and education; and to access those services free from discrimination, coercion, and violence.

FP2020 statement on WHO guidance on hormonal contraception and HIV

Family Planning 2020 (FP2020) commends the World Health Organization (WHO) for continuing to closely monitor research and evidence and update guidance on hormonal contraception and HIV acquisition.   The WHO released new guidance March 2, 2017 stating that women at high risk of acquiring HIV can use progestogen-only injectables, but when considering use they should… Continue reading FP2020 statement on WHO guidance on hormonal contraception and HIV