Updates from the OPCU: A Readout from the Region

The OPCU recently hosted a webinar, Family Planning in a Humanitarian Crisis: How to Maintain Services and Strengthen the Resilience of Populations and Health Systems, as a chance to continue conversations raised at the OP annual meeting in December.

Don’t Leave LGBTI Communities Behind in FP2030 Commitments

The commitment process for the FP2030 partnership is live, with governments and other stakeholders recommitting — or committing for the first time — to advancing rights-based family planning. In order to create a commitment that is truly rights-based, commitment makers should consider including specific provisions for LGBTI individuals in their commitments.

First Look: The Impact of COVID-19 on Family Planning

As the pandemic continues into its second year, the full impact on family planning and women and girls access to services still isn’t known, and won’t be for some time. Still, to begin to understand the pandemic’s effects, FP2020 began convening family planning data partners in April 2020 to better understand how the COVID-19 pandemic was affecting programs and services.

FP2020 at ICM Africa Regional Conference

The ICM Africa Regional Conference, which took place from September 12-14, brought together midwives from across the continent with the goal of fostering skills development, knowledge and practice within the community. FP2020 and WHO co-hosted a plenary session featuring family planning and midwifery leaders, which demonstrated high-level commitment to supporting midwives and promoting partnership between midwifery and family planning.

October 10-11, 2017 Meeting Reports for the CSO and Youth meetings held prior the FP2020 Reference Group Meeting are now available.

Reports for the CSO and Youth meetings held prior the FP2020 Reference Group Meeting are now available. FP2020 organized a CSO meeting in collaboration with the Association for the Advancement of Family Planning (AAFP) on October 11, 2017, at the Sheraton Abuja Hotel, Nigeria. The FP2020 –AAFP CSO meeting served as a platform for the exchange of ideas around key issues… Continue reading October 10-11, 2017 Meeting Reports for the CSO and Youth meetings held prior the FP2020 Reference Group Meeting are now available.