Honduras joins FP2030 partnership

FP2030 is pleased to announce that Honduras has made the first government-led FP2030 commitment from the Latin American region. The government of Honduras joins more than one dozen civil society groups in the region, including several youth-led organizations, as FP2030 commitment makers. We are thrilled to welcome Honduras to the FP2030 partnership.  FP2030’s predecessor, FP2020,… Continue reading Honduras joins FP2030 partnership

The Honduras Commitment with FP2030: A Beacon of Hope For Family Planning in the LAC Region

RaĂșl RĂ­os Ascencio and his wife Sonia Janeth Barriga are pictured here in their home. Both of them are waste pickers and members of Asochapinero, an affiliate of the AsociaciĂłn de Recicladores de BogotĂĄ (ARB), an organization of waste pickers associations and cooperatives that advocates for waste pickers' rights. With the extra money from the City for their waste picking services, they have been able to save money to improve their home. They have installed floors, a washroom, and have made other improvements as well. I donÂŽt like things that are dirty, I like to have my house neat and pretty, says Sonia. .Special Instructions - Full release: all subjects signed our form of model release MRBOG-018, 020

The Latin America and Caribbean (LAC) FP2030 Regional Hub proudly announces a significant milestone: Honduras has emerged as the inaugural signatory country in the Latin American and Caribbean Region. This achievement underscores Honduras’s dedication to advancing family planning initiatives in Central America, marking a pivotal step toward fostering reproductive health, gender equality, and sustainable development… Continue reading The Honduras Commitment with FP2030: A Beacon of Hope For Family Planning in the LAC Region

Announcing the FP2030 Partnership Fund

FP2030 is pleased to announce the FP2030 Partnership Fund: a new funding mechanism to help small organizations, nontraditional partners, and other grantees that might not be served by traditional funding mechanisms, thrive. This fund is designed to provide catalytic subgrants to local organizations through thematic competitive challenges.   The first challenge will focus on family planning… Continue reading Announcing the FP2030 Partnership Fund

Don’t miss the FP2030 Partnership Report

The Power of Partnership READ THE REPORT How do you measure the impact of a catalyst? Because that’s what the FP2030 partnership is: a series of catalysts that multiply the efforts of disparate governments, organizations, advocates, and donors to accelerate the progress of family planning. FP2030 commitment makers have a shared vision of a world… Continue reading Don’t miss the FP2030 Partnership Report

SMART advocacy strategy development workshop for CSOs held in Zambia

BY STEWART TICHAONA MUCHAPERA FP2030 East and Southern Africa Hub, in partnership with the Centre for Reproductive Health and Education (CRHE), recently conducted a three-day long SMART Advocacy training workshop just outside Lusaka. SMART– Specific Measurable Attainable Relevant and Timebound (SMART) Advocacy is a targeted approach to creating incremental changes. SMART advocates identify near-term opportunities… Continue reading SMART advocacy strategy development workshop for CSOs held in Zambia

FP2030 seeks to center family planning in case of emergencies and disasters

BY STEWART TICHAONA MUCHAPERA The FP2030 East and Southern Africa Regional Hub is building emergency preparedness and response capabilities in the region through a series of online meetings with commitment-making countries based on their fragility index and the focus of their country commitment. Oren Jusu, Director, Emergency Preparedness and Response for FP2030 East and Southern… Continue reading FP2030 seeks to center family planning in case of emergencies and disasters

Dismantling social norms that prevent access to family planning

BY STEWART TICHAONA MUCHAPERA FP2030 has concluded a “gender mapping” process throughout its regional hubs, which confirmed social norms, often influenced by religion, culture, and traditions, as well as economic issues, are preventing women, adolescents, young people, and other groups from accessing key information and services on sexual reproductive health. The East and Southern Africa… Continue reading Dismantling social norms that prevent access to family planning

FP2030 welcomes Sumita Banerjee as Managing Director of the Asia and the Pacific Hub

FP2030 is excited to announce the appointment of Sumita Banerjee as the Managing Director for FP2030’s Asia and Pacific Regional Hub. With an extensive background spanning over two decades, Sumita brings a wealth of experience in public health, including sexual and reproductive health and rights, gender-transformative policies, and HIV programs. Born and raised in India,… Continue reading FP2030 welcomes Sumita Banerjee as Managing Director of the Asia and the Pacific Hub

Intimate Partner Violence Can Be a Barrier to Family Planning – So What Can We Do About It?

Beck Barrett Family planning access doesn’t exist in a silo – diverse issues like restrictive policies, impacts from climate change, domestic or intimate partner violence, social and gender norms, and more all make it harder for many people to access the family planning services they desire.   Further still, most intimate partner violence (IPV) discussions focus… Continue reading Intimate Partner Violence Can Be a Barrier to Family Planning – So What Can We Do About It?

Challenging Partnerships: Religious Engagement for Senegal’s Family Health

Women going through the TOSTAN Community Empowerment Program, where women participants learn about their right to health and their right to be free from all forms of violence, about hygiene, and how diseases are spread and prevented. They also discuss the health risks of harmful practices such as female genital cutting†and child/forced marriage, and how to improve child and maternal health in their village.

Cheikh Saliou MBACKE, Hassane SYLLA, Katherine Marshall  Ask health professionals how religious leaders view family planning and you may meet some skepticism. However, a program in Senegal has defied negative preconceptions and is an example of engaging religious leaders in health. A combination of leadership that brings different religious communities together, robust theological and intellectual… Continue reading Challenging Partnerships: Religious Engagement for Senegal’s Family Health