United Kingdom Official Update

The UK is on track to meet its commitment to increase its annual spending on family planning from £90 million per year to £180 million per year by 2020. This increased support has resulted in almost 5 million additional women being reached with family planning services by mid-2014, almost 4% of the 2020 target[1]. By… Continue reading United Kingdom Official Update

Japan Official Report

Overall, Japan estimates that it will provide US $500 million in additional funding for 2011-2015. In terms of baseline spending, for 2011 and 2012, US $2,094.62 million was disbursed, including US$ 36 million to UNFPA and IPPF for 2012 (and estimates US$ 43.8 million for 2013). This is line with the US $36 million explicitly… Continue reading Japan Official Report

World Bank Official Report

Financial Commitment Update   As of April 2014, the Bank has provided a total of US $2 billion ($1.2 billion committed and $755 million in pipeline) to support 21 countries for the 35 priority countries for MDGs 1c, 4 and 5. This includes $1.6 billion IDA financing and $298 million HRITF financing. A specific breakdown… Continue reading World Bank Official Report

Benin FP2020 Commitment

The Government of Benin will revise policies, norms, and protocols to strengthen the delegation of tasks to improve reproductive health and will spread awareness of the law on reproductive health and regulations. Additionally, the government will make modern methods of contraception available to youth and adolescents for free in public health facilities. The government will disseminate the… Continue reading Benin FP2020 Commitment

Pakistan FP2020 Commitment

Program & Service Delivery Pakistan will engage with provinces to implement the Minister’s directive to provide birth spacing services in health facilities at all levels. Contraceptive services will be included in the essential service package of two provinces in 2012, with the others following in 2013. Pakistan commits to making FP a priority for over… Continue reading Pakistan FP2020 Commitment

Nigeria FP2020 Commitment

The following text summarizes the commitment made by Dr. Muhammad Ali Pate on behalf of the government of Nigeria at the London Summit on Family Planning on July 11, 2012. Nigeria commits to increase CPR by 2% every year to achieve 36% by 2018. This will avert 31,000 maternal deaths and 1.5 million child deaths… Continue reading Nigeria FP2020 Commitment

Mozambique FP2020 Commitment

The following text summarizes the commitment made by Nazira Abdula on behalf of the government of Mozambique at the London Summit on Family Planning on July 11, 2012. Objectives Mozambique will strive to cover 5 percent (2012), 10 percent (2015) and 15 percent (2020) of contraceptives needs. Mozambique’s target is to increase access to long-acting… Continue reading Mozambique FP2020 Commitment