IPPF Update – Malawi

Following advocacy by the Family Planning Association of Malawi (FPAM), the government delivered on its promise to include contraceptives in the national budget. FPAM worked with parliamentarians, traditional and religious leaders, and other non-governmental organizations to build their understanding of the effects of high fertility rates and the need for contraceptive security in the country. Previously,… Continue reading IPPF Update – Malawi

Maries Stopes International Official Report

Policy & Political Updates: Marie Stopes International (MSI) remains dedicated to its FP2020 commitment and continues to make significant strides in family planning access and advocacy in the world’s 69 poorest countries. Contraceptive Reach: MSI’s impact is evident as 11.6 million women in the FP2020 countries now benefit from the contraceptives provided by MSI. Globally,… Continue reading Maries Stopes International Official Report

FHI360 Official Report

Political & Policy With support from USAID, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and other donors, FHI 360 is implementing a wide variety of projects to expand the evidence base for safe and effective family planning and translating high-quality evidence into policy and practice. For instance, a new award from the Saving Lives at Birth program will seek to… Continue reading FHI360 Official Report

Norway Official Report

Official Financial Commitment Update Funding disbursed against the London Family Planning Summit commitment amount to US$25 million; US$13 million were channeled through UNFPA and further amounts were channeled through MSI and PSI to scale up access to contraceptive implants (US$5 million). Norway projects that disbursements against commitments in 2014 will amount to at least US… Continue reading Norway Official Report

Nigeria Commitment Update

Program & Service Delivery Nigeria commits to train at least 3,700 community health workers (CHWs) to deliver the range of contraceptives, particularly long-acting and reversible methods (LARMs) and support task shifting so CHWs in rural areas can provide multiple methods. Nigeria plans to focus on education, especially education of girls, and build on the impact of… Continue reading Nigeria Commitment Update

Denmark Official Report

Denmark has met its commitment made at the London Summit and has already provided more than US$13 million over 13 million since the Summit as Denmark’s contribution to UNFPA has increased by a total of DKK

Pakistan Official Report: FP2020 Commitment Updates

Program & Service Delivery Contraceptive services are part of the essential service package of provinces and task shifting suggested in the HSS and costed operational plans do take care of the inclusion of these services in various ways. With USAID support, Pakistan has received more than $147 million in the form of soft and hardware… Continue reading Pakistan Official Report: FP2020 Commitment Updates

Australia Financial Commitment Update Official Report

Australia’s funding for maternal and child health has increased from $360 million in 2011/2012 to $374 million in 2012/2013. Australia’s funding for maternal and child health, over the last three financial years, are as follows: Partner Type 2010/11 (actual) 2011/12 (actual) 2012/13 (actual) Total Multilateral partner 187,661 199,332 159,238 Other 107,759 160,739 215,182 Total Expenditure… Continue reading Australia Financial Commitment Update Official Report

France Official Report

No major changes are foreseen in terms of France’s allocation of health/RMNCH funding in the coming years, however it will seek to increase spending on high-impact interventions. France aimed to spend €20 million per year on family planning; this target was not met between 2011 and 2013. France needs to increase its expenditures to be… Continue reading France Official Report