Checkmating Nigeria’s Population Boom

Dr. Ejike Oji, Chairperson of Association for Advancement of Family Planning and FP2020 CSO focal point in Nigeria, participates in a segment on Good Morning Nigeria about the country’s population and family planning policies.

Obtaining Data on the Go: Women and Girls in Humanitarian Contexts

The global family planning community uses data to help guide our work. But what happens when data is inconsistent — or even unavailable? Conflict, displacement, migration, and other crises mean the world’s populations are more in flux than ever before, and data collection in a humanitarian crisis can be hard to come by. How many women and girls are affected by crises? Where are they? And are we making any progress to reach them with family planning (FP) services?

Partnership and Coordination Advance Family Planning for Women and Girls Affected by Crises

A timely and innovative partnership between FP2020 and CARE is helping to expand global leadership and drive progress in achieving universal access to family planning within emergency preparedness and response. CARE has made a substantive investment in the FP2020 global partnership by seconding a Senior Advisor for Emergency Preparedness and Response to the FP2020 Secretariat. This position will identify needs and opportunities at the global and country levels, to support commitments and advance family planning for women and girls affected by crises over the coming year.

Teenage girls shy away from reproductive health clinics

As sexual and reproductive health is considered a taboo in the society, teenage girls, especially unmarried ones, feel discomfort and embarrassment in seeking medical services for these issues at Adolescent-friendly Health Corners (AFHC). Many teenagers told researchers that the instance of an adolescent or teenage girl going to an AFHC is perceived as the girl… Continue reading Teenage girls shy away from reproductive health clinics