Integration of Family Planning in the Universal Health Coverage Agenda

By Salman Khalid, Communications Manager, FP2030 Asia and Pacific Regional Hub On Universal Health Coverage Day, the Asia and Pacific Regional Hub hosted a Cross-Regional Exchange and Learning Series, marking a pivotal moment in our collective pursuit of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030. The webinar, focused on the integration of Family Planning in… Continue reading Integration of Family Planning in the Universal Health Coverage Agenda

What FP2030 Managing Directors Hope to Achieve in 2024

Asia & Pacific Hub – Sumita Banjeree In 2024, a primary focus for the Asia and Pacific hub is to fortify our credibility with commitment makers and stakeholders in the region. We are committed to fostering continuous engagement, actively addressing technical support needs, and being responsive to the evolving landscape. By consistently demonstrating our dedication,… Continue reading What FP2030 Managing Directors Hope to Achieve in 2024

Accelerating Access to Postpartum and Post-Abortion Family Planning Workshop Recap

From October 31st to November 3rd, FP2030 held its first set of meetings designed to bring together all kinds of stakeholders to scale up postpartum and post-abortion family planning. Every day, 800 women die in childbirth, and the majority of these deaths are preventable. Hosted in Kathmandu by the government of Nepal and FP2030, the… Continue reading Accelerating Access to Postpartum and Post-Abortion Family Planning Workshop Recap

Workshop highlights: Faith and adolescents’ sexual health and rights

Gloria Masula, Youth Partnerships Officer, FP2030 ESA Hub and Margaret Bolaji- Youth Partnerships Manager, FP2030 NWCA Hub  FP2030, in collaboration with members of the faith and family planning working groups, hosted a three-day workshop in Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire in October. The meeting was aimed at driving progress toward FP2030 commitments at regional and country levels… Continue reading Workshop highlights: Faith and adolescents’ sexual health and rights

Providing Access to All: Disability and Family Planning

By Beck Barrett, FP2030 Intern 16% of the world’s population has a disability according to the World Health Organization (WHO), and yet most sexual and reproductive health care programs don’t adequately include them – as recipients of healthcare services and as decision makers and program implementers. Family planning for disabled people – much like family… Continue reading Providing Access to All: Disability and Family Planning

Worsening humanitarian crisis in South Sudan prevents teenage girls from accessing family planning services

A worsening crisis in South Sudan caused by internal conflict has left over four million people displaced. An estimated 85% of these are women and children. This conflict and resulting mass displacement has prevented many people, including women and girls, from accessing essential healthcare services – particularly family planning information and services, which are not… Continue reading Worsening humanitarian crisis in South Sudan prevents teenage girls from accessing family planning services

Recap: Performance, Monitoring and Evidence Working Group Meeting

Meghan Gallagher, Research, Monitoring, and Evaluation Advisor for Save the Children  Aparna Jain, Senior Director, Making Cents International  Adnan Khan, the Chief Knowledge Officer at Research and Development Solutions FP2030’s Performance Monitoring and Evidence (PME) Working Group is a platform for collaboration and discussion that brings together the foremost leaders, thinkers, and practitioners in family… Continue reading Recap: Performance, Monitoring and Evidence Working Group Meeting

Faith Leaders Take Action on Rights-Based Family Planning

By Veronica Fonseca Castro, Coordinator, Communications & Advocacy, FP2030  This month, FP2030 brought together two seemingly different worlds: faith and family planning. Given a persistent narrative that religion is at odds with family planning, these might seem like two communities that work with each other, but in fact the opposite is true: Many faith leaders… Continue reading Faith Leaders Take Action on Rights-Based Family Planning

Hope and heartbreak for Pakistan in the era of climate change 

Harnessing the voices of women and youth to withstand the climate crisis By Maheen Dhanani, FP2030 Youth Focal Point for Pakistan and Senior Program Officer, South Asia, Middle East, and North Africa, Pathfinder International   My country is one of hope and heartbreak. In Pakistan, traditions interweave with modern aspirations. Fertile land gives life to abundant… Continue reading Hope and heartbreak for Pakistan in the era of climate change 

1.8 Billion Young People Deserve Power Over Their Reproductive Futures

From left to right: Bontu, Abidii, Bilisuma, Lensa, Habitamu, and Genet are students at primary school in Wonchi Woreda. They are holding books provided by the Oromia Development Association's (ODA's) saving schemes program. Established in 1993, ODA is a local, membership-based, nongovernmental organization. It aims to improve the lives of people in the Oromia Region through sustainable integrated community-based programs. To address young people's socioeconomic and sexual and reproductive health (SRH) needs, in addition to its saving schemes program, ODA's interventions include using gender-responsive pedagogy and creating linkages with public health facilities offering youth-friendly SRH services.

By Gloria Masula (FP2030 Youth Officer, East and Southern Africa Hub), Margaret Bolaji (FP2030 Youth Manager, North, West, and Central Africa), Sadia Rahman (FP2030 Youth Manager, Asia Pacific Hub), Dr. Jacqueline N. Fonkwo (FP2030 Youth Partnerships Consultant), Hafsah Muheed (PMNCH Adolescent and Youth Constituency Secretary; Governance and Ethics Committee Vice Chair, Youth Advocacy Network, Sri… Continue reading 1.8 Billion Young People Deserve Power Over Their Reproductive Futures