Accelerating Quality Family Planning Services

Women from the Young Mothers Group meeting and getting family planning information from a community health worker. The program is supported by Reproductive Health Uganda, with the goal to empower the women in the group, and provide them with family planning information.

The WHO FP Accelerator project supports partners and ministries of health (MoH) to accelerate quality and rights-based family planning (FP) services within the broader frameworks of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Universal Health Coverage (UHC) and the WHO 13th Global Programme of Work (GPW13). The project contributes specifically to attainment of SDG targets 3.1, 3.7 and 5.6, and to the GPW13 goal of 1 billion more people covered by UHC. The WHO-FP Accelerator Project is coordinated by the Contraception and Fertility Care (CFC) Unit in the WHO Department of Sexual and Reproductive Health and Research (WHO/SRH) and implemented with WHO’s Regional and Country offices