n late 2015, the Implant Removal Task Force was initiated to bring together implementing partners and donors to identify existing best practices and call attention to research and programming gaps for expanding access to quality contraceptive implant removal services. Among the task force’s activities is an effort to identify gaps related to difficult implant removal and develop resources to address these gaps to contribute to greater access to quality implant removal services.
This video was developed to build capacity of clinicians providing contraceptive implant services for locating and safely removing a deeply placed implant in an outpatient clinic or low-resource setting. This video is intended for clinicians who provide implant services to be able to locate and perform a difficult removal of a deeply placed implant as well as sonographers and other healthcare providers who participate in localizing deep implants. Specifically, deeply placed implants can be localized through ultrasound using probes commonly found in an obstetrics and gynecology clinic setting. Clinicians working in outpatient or low-resource settings can utilize these localization and removal techniques to safely and successfully remove deeply placed implants.