Kenya FP2020 Commitment

Program & Service Delivery

Kenya plans to scale up their voucher system, which provides reproductive services, including family planning, in five rural and urban districts in Kenya. The Kenyan Government has already established over 70 Youth Empowerment Centers. The target is to have one in each constituency to provide a one-stop-shop for youth friendly information, including family planning. Kenya will strengthen the collaborative approach, including the participation of public, private, and civil society organizations, at national and devolved governance levels in line with the new constitutional dispensation. Kenya also commits to review barriers to some contraceptive methods at community level health facilities, especially in remote locations, and to reform the Kenya Medical Supply Agency (KEMSA) to end stock outs and improve the supply chain for all medical commodities including family planning. Finally, Kenya has plans to restructure the National Council for Population and Development agency, and facilitate additional resources to re-launch the national family planning campaign.


The Kenyan national government budget for family planning has increased from US $6 million in 2011 to US $8 million for 2012-2013. Budget allocation for family planning commodities has grown from US $2.5 million for 2005-2006 to US $6.6 million in for 2012-2013. This leaves Kenya an estimated funding gap of 60%. Kenya will continue to work closely with development partners to secure increased financing for family planning commodities and services. (DFID has a new family planning program of £31 million, 2013-2017).

Policy & Political

Kenya’s Constitution states that “every person has the right to the highest attainable standard of health, which includes the right to health care services, including RH care.” Sessional Paper No. 3 of 2012 on Population Policy for National Development requires all political parties competing to form a government after a general election to formulate their programs consistent with Kenya Vision 2030. This means that for Kenya’s long term socio-economic development path, including family planning has been ring-fenced against future changes in the political landscape. The Sessional Paper contains clearly spelt out strategies for family planning demand, creation, and service delivery including roles and responsibilities of the multi-sector stakeholders.

In addition, Kenya will work to implement the Reproductive Health Policy and the National Gender and Development Policy. The Kenyan Government currently provides free contraceptives to all registered private health facilities. The Health Sector Services Fund will enhance participation of local communities, including the private sector, in managing the funds and prioritizing their health needs including family planning.