Task Team and others report on:
- Progress since the April Reference Group meeting
- Plans moving forward for 2015
- Highlights from the 2nd annual Progress Report
- Key findings from the 2013 estimates for FP2020’s Core Indicators
- Country-level progress in expanding and improving family planning programs, and fulfilling their FP2020 commitments
- Deliverables from the Rights & Empowerment Working Group Donor progress in fulfilling their FP2020 commitments
- FP2020’s enhanced website, currently in beta
Strategic discussions / provide guidance on:
- Whether we need to adjust the trajectory of our annual benchmarks to reach 120 million more users
- How the Reference Group can help support rights principles throughout FP2020 and in their own networks
- Impact of Ebola crisis on family planning programs Using enhanced FP2020 website to strengthen accountability
- Role of Reference Group and Task Team in promoting accountability for commitments
- Role of Reference Group in addressing reports of rights violations
- Role of Reference Group and Task Team in brokering resources for countries – challenges and opportunities
- Integration of family planning in the Global Financing Facility
Seek Reference Group guidance and approval on:
- Governance manual
- Risk mitigation process