WomanCare Global and PSI's Official Update

WomanCare Global and PSI provided the following updates on progress in achieving its FP2020 commitments: Expanding access to an array of reproductive health products and managing large-scale distribution: Under the USAID-funded, Expanding Effective Contraceptive Options (EECO) project, WCG and PSI are working together to introduce new methods of contraception. Large-scale pilots in Zambia, Malawi, Madagascar and India will… Continue reading WomanCare Global and PSI's Official Update

Reproductive Health Supplies Coalition Official Update

Reproductive Health Supplies Coalition provided the following updates on progress in achieving its FP2020 commitments: Under the auspices of the Reproductive Health Supplies Coalition, Secretariat staff and members of the Advocacy and Accountability Working Group (formerly known as RMA WG) launched an interactive online platform—www.supplypromises.org—that provides easy access to close to 140 supply-related commitments made… Continue reading Reproductive Health Supplies Coalition Official Update

Ipas Official Update

Ipas provided the following updates on progress in achieving its FP2020 commitments: Training new cadres of health care workers—4,000 per year—to provide a wider range of sexual and reproductive health services, including post-abortion family planning services: Ipas-supported programs, in partnership with national/regional/state health systems in 17 countries, train clinical providers in safe abortion care and postabortion… Continue reading Ipas Official Update

ICRW Official Update

The International Center for Research on Women provided the following updates on progress in achieving its FP2020 commitments: Identifying and advocating for evidence-based, practical ways to change policies and programs ICRW’s Asia Regional office has engaged closely with the Government of India, bringing a variety of evidence to inform national reproductive health and family planning… Continue reading ICRW Official Update

DSW Official Update

DSW has engaged in the following activities in support of its commitment to FP2020. Advocacy: In Eastern Africa, our advocacy for both greater availability of contraceptives and removal of barriers to access is closely linked to our advocacy on budget allocation and service provision. For more information on these activities, please access DSW’s review of national… Continue reading DSW Official Update

Guttmacher Institute Official Update

Guttmacher Institute has engaged in the following activities in support of its commitment to FP2020. Generating estimates of unmet need: In December 2014, the Guttmacher Institute published Adding It Up: The Costs and Benefits of Investing in Sexual and Reproductive Health 2014, which provides updated estimates of unmet contraceptive need in the developing world and the costs… Continue reading Guttmacher Institute Official Update

EngenderHealth Official Update

EngenderHealth has engaged in the following activities in support of its commitment to FP2020. West Africa: EngenderHealth has been working intensively in West Africa, where the need for family planning outweighs access to and use of contraceptives. In collaboration with the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID)/West Africa, and our local partners , EngenderHealth is managing… Continue reading EngenderHealth Official Update

CARE International Official Update

Care International provided the following updates on progress in achieving its FP2020 commitments: Validating tools to measure the impact of key approaches on health outcomes: CARE has developed three tools to support measurement of women’s empowerment, governance and health outcomes. WEMEASR (Women’s Empowerment- Multidimensional Evaluation of Agency, Social Capital and Relations). WEMEASR is a quantitative survey… Continue reading CARE International Official Update

Advance Family Planning Official Update

Advance Family Planning is a global initiative comprising 20 partner organizations working to increase the financial investments and political commitment needed to ensure access to quality, voluntary family planning through evidence-based advocacy. More and more political leaders appreciate the benefits of FP, not only for the health of women and children, but also for improving… Continue reading Advance Family Planning Official Update

WHO Official Update

In July 2015, World Health Organization shared an update on progress in achieving its commitments to FP2020. Expanding choice and method mix through contraceptive research and development and assessment of the safety and efficacy of new and existing methods: The WHO supported a clinical study that assesses the effectiveness of the three-year one rod etonogestrel (ENG)… Continue reading WHO Official Update