With young people, for young people: IYAFP and FP2020 partner to empower the next generation of family planning leaders

Ramya Jawahar Kudekallu, 27, of Bangalore, India, summed it up: “Sexual and reproductive health rights are human rights. It is that simple, inalienable, and non-negotiable. Access to contraceptives speaks to the expansion of this right for young women and girls… In order for us to promise that these services are available to every single woman, the… Continue reading With young people, for young people: IYAFP and FP2020 partner to empower the next generation of family planning leaders

Senegal aims to increase modern contraceptive use to 45% by 2020

A ceremony in late January, 2017 marked the launch of Senegal’s brand-new Costed Implementation Plan (CIP)—including a new target to increase modern contraceptive use by in-union women to 45% by 2020. This ambitious goal builds upon commendable progress made since the London Summit on Family Planning in 2012: Since then, use of modern contraceptives by Senegalese women… Continue reading Senegal aims to increase modern contraceptive use to 45% by 2020

FP2020 Executive Director Beth Schlachter: A Community United in the Face of Uncertainty

Less than three months into 2017, political transitions at the global and country levels signal changes to the international development framework that will, at best, prove challenging to the global health community, including family planning, and sexual and reproductive health and rights writ large.  The U.S. government’s recent reinstatement of the Mexico City Policy (also known as… Continue reading FP2020 Executive Director Beth Schlachter: A Community United in the Face of Uncertainty

Restoring reproductive health access for millions in Boko Haram-affected areas

A brutal attack by Boko Haram forced Zainab Abubakar, 28, and her six children to flee their home in northern Nigeria. “I was one month pregnant when I left Gamboru Ngala,” Ms. Abubakar told UNFPA from the Dalori displacement camp in Maiduguri. “During my escape, I lost my pregnancy.” Ms. Abubakar’s tragic miscarriage took place… Continue reading Restoring reproductive health access for millions in Boko Haram-affected areas

Uganda Official Update

In September 2016, the Government of Uganda shared an update on progress in achieving its policy, financial and program and service delivery commitments to FP2020. The government of Uganda has undertaken the following to improve midwifery profession: Skills training: In 2015, Uganda finalized the review of the midwifery curriculum to make it competency based. The curriculum emphasizes… Continue reading Uganda Official Update

Tanzania Official Report

In September 2016, the Government of Tanzania shared an update on progress in achieving its policy, financial and program and service delivery commitments to FP2020. The government reports performing the following activities in support of its program and service delivery commitment: The government of Tanzania in collaboration with family planning partners continued to provide family planning… Continue reading Tanzania Official Report

Kenya Official Report: Program & Service Delivery Commitments

In August 2016, the Government of Kenya shared an update on progress in achieving its program and service delivery commitments to FP2020. The government reports performing the following activities in support of its program and service delivery commitment: The voucher system, originally committed to as part of the Government of Kenya’s 2012 commitment to Family Planning 2020, has… Continue reading Kenya Official Report: Program & Service Delivery Commitments

Ethiopia Official Update

In July 2016, the Government of Ethiopia shared an update on progress in achieving its policy, financial and program and service delivery commitments to FP2020. The government reports performing the following activities in support of its program and service delivery commitment: To help meet the needs of married and unmarried adolescents and youth, the government has… Continue reading Ethiopia Official Update

Zambia Official Report

In July 2016, the Government of Zambia shared an update on progress in achieving its policy, financial and program and service delivery commitments to FP2020. The government reports performing the following activities in support of its program and service delivery commitment: The government, with support from UNFPA, introduced Implanon NXT in five provinces. This included procurement… Continue reading Zambia Official Report