Integrating Emergency Preparedness & Resilience with Family Planning in West Africa

Women going through the TOSTAN Community Empowerment Program, where women participants learn about their right to health and their right to be free from all forms of violence, about hygiene, and how diseases are spread and prevented. They also discuss the health risks of harmful practices such as female genital cutting†and child/forced marriage, and how to improve child and maternal health in their village.

Onyinye Ijeh The Ouagadougou Partnership (OP) is made up of nine francophone West African countries working together to advance family planning. Founded in 2011, the OP has been a key ally to FP2030 in galvanizing the movement in the region and mobilizing community support for family planning. The OP came together at a crucial and… Continue reading Integrating Emergency Preparedness & Resilience with Family Planning in West Africa