Over the past two decades, the study of the politics of global health has become an increasingly popular and important scholarly topic. A host of social scientists, public health researchers, medical scientists and historians have taken an interest in exploring the international and domestic political aspects of healthcare reform, ranging from government and civil societal responses to disease, to issues of health insurance coverage, health systems strengthening, and inequality in social services provision. There has also been a shift from a focus on healthcare issues in the advanced industrialized nations, such as the United States and Western Europe, to the developing world and more recently, select emerging economies, such as the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa).
Category: In the News
Meeting the Sustainable Development Goals Through Postpartum Family Planning
The end of the Millennium Development Goal (MDG) era in 2015 has provided the world with valuable and lasting lessons about what needs to be done differently and what can have a major impact in reducing child mortality and improving maternal health.
The Hewlett Foundation Grants Additional Funds to Advance Family Planning
Advance Family Planning (AFP) received a $750,000 grant from The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation to sustain its advocacy initiative. The grant will strengthen AFP’s advocacy efforts to make quality, voluntary family planning easier to access for women and girls around the world. The AFP initiative comprises more than 20 organizations in Burkina Faso, Democratic… Continue reading The Hewlett Foundation Grants Additional Funds to Advance Family Planning
Easy-To-Use IUD Inserter Could Aid Women Who Lack Access To Birth Control
There are lots of good reasons for women to space their babies at least two years apart. Studies show higher risks of premature birth, pregnancy complications and delivery problems, as well as higher death rates in the early years when babies are born very close together. But in countries where there aren't a lot of family planning options, women end up getting pregnant again sooner than they'd like.
Transparency and Accountability: Taking the Measure of Family Planning Programs
PMA2020 is a five-year project to gather information about family planning, water and sanitation, and related health issues in 10 countries across Africa and Asia, including Kenya. Women like Zipporah Sakhasia, called Resident Enumerators, conduct the surveys in our local communities. They enter the data into smartphones and then upload it to a central server, where it’s immediately available for analysis and reporting.