Focal Point Workshops Go Virtual Amid Global Pandemic

This summer we have seen a number of global meetings forced to shift to online formats, leading to innovations in meeting design and compressed agendas. The FP2020 regional focal point workshops (Anglophone Africa and Asia) scheduled to take place in June were no different. Due to the pandemic, the workshops were held virtually, were held online, in four four-hour sessions, over the course of one week. 

Family Planning in Humanitarian Settings is Achievable and Effective

Sixty percent of maternal deaths occur in countries experiencing conflict, displacement, or natural disasters. Family planning needs do not disappear during a crisis. In fact, these needs may grow more urgent as women may want to avoid pregnancy particularly during a crisis or period of displacement. As the average length of a crisis situation is nine years, speakers emphasized the importance of promoting sustainable solutions and programs to meet women’s and girls’ family planning needs in humanitarian settings.

Minister for Health & Population Welfare, Sindh

It is a matter of immense pleasure that we are celebrating World Population Day with a renewed commitment and enthusiasm. The theme of this year is "25 Years of the ICPD (International Conference on Population Development): Accelerating the Promise". Twenty Five years ago, leaders from 179 countries gathered at Cairo including ShaheedMohtarma Benazir Bhutto, then Prime Minister of Pakistan. At the Summit, these leaders unanimously declared that reproductive health and gender equality is vital for sustainable development. This pledge has also reflected into the agenda of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the commitments under FP2020.

Time to work together, say family planning and conservation groups

A new campaign championing the benefits of combining family planning and conservation action — two sectors that have not seen eye to eye in the past — has been endorsed by more than 150 groups from both sides. The Thriving Together campaign, officially launched Thursday to mark World Population Day, aims to drive support for the idea… Continue reading Time to work together, say family planning and conservation groups

After 2020: What’s Next for Global Access to Family Planning

This note highlights three issues for the global FP movement post-2020, building on CGD’s engagement in this space, including our working group on alignment in family planning. We review the underlying critical assumptions in FP2020’s initial design along with their strengths and weaknesses, and place future approaches squarely within the context of today’s evolving landscape—one that looks very different than the year 2012, when FP2020 was launched.