Universal Health Coverage: Not without family planning

Universal health coverage (UHC) characterizes an ideal where all people have access to the health services they need, when and where they need them, without financial hardship. In the same way that the long-term consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic will place a heavy burden on health systems, so too will the lack of reproductive health care.

National ownership of family planning: What do FP2020 commitments have to do with it?

An Accredited Social Health Activist (ASHA) discusses family planning options with a young couple. ASHAs are trained and supported by Pathfinder International to address special needs of adolescent mothers and young couples, including family planning and healthy birth spacing, to protect maternal health. The likelihood of use of family planning methods is greater when both husband and wife are counseled.

This paper seeks to understand the political economy of commitments and normative best practice within FP national programs, contributing to “stock taking” of change objectives for national ownership and domestic financing of FP programs post FP2020.

FP2020 Arc of Progress 2019-2020: Media Coverage

Women going through the TOSTAN Community Empowerment Program, where women participants learn about their right to health and their right to be free from all forms of violence, about hygiene, and how diseases are spread and prevented. They also discuss the health risks of harmful practices such as female genital cutting†and child/forced marriage, and how to improve child and maternal health in their village.

FP2020: The Arc of Progress, the final report of the partnership, reveals that 320 million women and girls are now using modern contraception, an increase of 60 million additional users since 2012. Below is a round-up of media attention the report has received. The Telegraph, Contraception use hits record high in world’s poorest countries but misses 2020 target,… Continue reading FP2020 Arc of Progress 2019-2020: Media Coverage

Family planning, reproductive health to be declared ‘essential services’

Rebira, a nurse, prepares a family planning demonstration at the Center of Excellence, Jimma University Medical Center. Marie Stopes International Ethiopia supports the Center of Excellence's work to improve the quality of public-sector family planning and comprehensive abortion care services.

The services related to family planning and reproductive health are being declared ‘essential services’ so that they are not discontinued in any situation arising out of pandemic or natural disaster.

Protect Adolescent Health in Pandemic Response

À l’occasion de la JournĂ©e internationale de la jeunesse, nous sommes heureux de partager notre nouvelle dĂ©claration commune, rĂ©digĂ©e avec l’Association internationale pour la santĂ© des adolescents (IAAH) et plusieurs autres associations cliniques mondiales qui appellent les pays et les cliniciens Ă  protĂ©ger la santĂ© et le bien-ĂȘtre des adolescents tout au long de la pĂ©riode de lutte contre la pandĂ©mie.

How has coronavirus disrupted family planning?

A mother holds her newborn twins, who were delivered under the supervision of trained health professionals at Sri Krishna Medical College and Hospital, a public health facility. Institutional births are one of the government of India's key strategies to reduce infant and maternal mortality, and to improve the overall health of the mother and child. An average of 7,000 births take place at Sri Krishna Medical College and Hospital each year.

As resources are diverted, The Stream asks how women can be protected.

"Connecting Conversations" Series Launches

The Imbuto Foundation is a Rwandan organization dedicated to advancing health, education, and youth empowerment. A key component of its Adolescent Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights Program is the Parent Adolescent Communication Forum, where parents and children are grouped by generation and gender to openly discuss family matters, including sexual and reproductive health questions. Muhirwa Liliane, who leads a girls' focus group, is pictured here.

Setting the Stage for Understanding and Investing in Adolescent and Youth Reproductive Health

Focal Point Workshops Go Virtual Amid Global Pandemic

This summer we have seen a number of global meetings forced to shift to online formats, leading to innovations in meeting design and compressed agendas. The FP2020 regional focal point workshops (Anglophone Africa and Asia) scheduled to take place in June were no different. Due to the pandemic, the workshops were held virtually, were held online, in four four-hour sessions, over the course of one week.Â