Building FP2030 – An Update on the FP2030 Transition Process

The Transition Oversight Group (TOG), through its three active working committees and a separate Finance Group, continued to work in refining and moving forward the establishment of the new FP2030 structure. The TOG’s efforts on establishing the future governance structure, operationalizing the five regional hubs, and recruiting a new Executive Director to lead the next stage of the partnership are steadily progressing with support from the Secretariat and the Transition Management Team.

New Global Partnership Launched to Transform Reproductive Health Markets

A mobile clinical outreach team from Marie Stopes International, a specialized sexual reproductive health and family planning organization on a site visit to Laniar health center, a rural area, where they offer many sexual reproductive health services and counseling, including the full range of family planning options, emergency contraception, pre- and post natal care, and cervical cancer screening and treatment.

SEMA Reproductive Health seeks to drive equitable, affordable, and predictable supply of high-quality sexual and reproductive health products, advance gender equality

We stand in solidarity

A statement from the staff of the Family Planning 2020 Secretariat

At the FP2020 Secretariat, we work with partners around the world to advance human rights for everyone and build a world where women and girls are free to make decisions about their bodies, their reproductive health, and their futures.

Every individual has the right to bodily autonomy, safety, and dignity, regardless of age, gender, race, or ethnicity. The recent murders of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, and so many others — against the backdrop of racial disparity in the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic — shines a bright light on the structural and systemic racism that plagues our society. The Secretariat stands with our U.S.-based and global partners in acknowledging the anger and anguish of the Black community.

Remembering Jennifer Schlecht

Jennifer Schlecht devoted her entire career to ensuring that women and girls in crisis situations have access to the best medical care possible including family planning and other reproductive health care.