Walking the Talk: Securing the future of family planning through capacity building and socialization of the Adolescent and Youth strategy with FP2030 North, West, and Central Africa and, East and Southern Africa youth focal points in Accra-Ghana 

Justin Ngong, Communication Officer, FP2030 NWCA  “Akwaaba!” in Twi (Ghanaian language) which means “welcome,” was being chanted as facilitators and participants flew into Ghana and were ready to make Ghana their new home for the entire week. A great blend of English and French cultures characterized some of the early activities introduced to make everyone… Continue reading Walking the Talk: Securing the future of family planning through capacity building and socialization of the Adolescent and Youth strategy with FP2030 North, West, and Central Africa and, East and Southern Africa youth focal points in Accra-Ghana 

Mozambique supports young people with family planning to improve quality of life

After receiving counseling on her reproductive health options, Francine has her contraceptive method of choice, an implant, inserted by a nurse at a clinic in Kingabwa. Francine is a participant in a local program organized by Action Humanitaire pour le Développement Durable Intégral Congolais (Humanitarian Action for Congolese Sustainable Development) and supported by le Fonds pour les Femmes Congolaises (The Fund for Congolese Women).

by Stewart Muchapera It is midday, and long queues of young mothers with babies strapped at their backs, begin to form at Albazine Health Centre, about 30 minutes’ drive from downtown Maputo the capital city of Mozambique.   Tucked at the corner end of the sprawling complex is a brightly colored building and young people are… Continue reading Mozambique supports young people with family planning to improve quality of life

FP2030 launches new adolescent and youth strategy at ICPD+30 Global Youth Dialogue in Cotonou, Benin

Today in Cotonou, Benin, alongside the UNFPA Global Youth Dialogue, FP2030 launched its Adolescent and Youth Strategy, a commitment to ensuring that adolescents and youth are equipped to make informed decisions about their sexual and reproductive health, supported by a dynamic and responsive ecosystem that prioritizes their needs and rights.

FP2030 to lead High Impact Practices in Family Planning (HIPs) secretariat

FP2030 is proud to announce our new role leading the High Impact Practices in Family Planning (HIPs) secretariat. The HIPs have united and energized the family planning community around a set of evidence-based interventions to prioritize for implementation and scale up, thanks in large part to the ground-breaking work of USAID to develop and implement… Continue reading FP2030 to lead High Impact Practices in Family Planning (HIPs) secretariat

FP2030 makes formidable entry into the Middle East and North Africa region

Justin Ngong, Communications Officer, North, West, and Central African FP2030 Regional Hub  In the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region, multiple conflicts have created a dire humanitarian need. Organizations working in the region understand that the principle of partnership is crucial to efficiently provide services to beneficiaries. FP2030 is committed to increasing its presence… Continue reading FP2030 makes formidable entry into the Middle East and North Africa region

Ethiopia using health data for decision-making at each level of health system to achieve family planning milestones

If you cannot measure it, then it does not exist. Stewart Tichaona Muchapera, Communications Officer, East and Southern African FP2030 Regional Hub  Ethiopia is making great strides in using data for evidence-based decision making at each level of the health system to achieve universal health coverage including family planning.   According to Dr. Meseret Zelalem Tadesse,… Continue reading Ethiopia using health data for decision-making at each level of health system to achieve family planning milestones

Ethiopia to scale up family planning delivery in humanitarian settings and remote areas

Endegena, 19, was born and raised in Jimma and is pictured here at the Family Guidance Association of Ethiopia (FGAE). She has been a part of FGAE for nearly two years and is practicing to become an Education for Health and Well-being trainer. FGAE offers sexual and reproductive health (SRH) services across the country, including in five zones of the Oromia Region. It has a network of 46 comprehensive SRH service delivery clinics and employs a youth-centered approach, which involves implementing services where adolescents and young people can easily access them, rather than directing clients to particular facilities

Stewart Tichaona Muchapera, Communications Officer, East and Southern African FP2030 Regional Hub  Ethiopia is a country at the nexus of three threats: armed conflict, lingering effects of COVID-19, and climate-related hazards such as floods and droughts. All these stressors and shocks disproportionately affect women and girls, with more than two-thirds of the people in need… Continue reading Ethiopia to scale up family planning delivery in humanitarian settings and remote areas

Ethiopia signs agreements to increase access to family planning

Stewart Tichaona Muchapera, Communications Officer, East and Southern African FP2030 Regional Hub  The Ethiopian government recently signed two additional budget agreements with development partners for the procurement of reproductive health commodities as part of its continued efforts to increase access to family planning.   The extra budget of US$36 million for the coming three years is… Continue reading Ethiopia signs agreements to increase access to family planning

Supply Chain Management improves access to contraceptives in Angola

The USAID’s Global Health Supply Chain Procurement and Supply Management (GHSC-PSM) in Angola has increased access to contraception across the country’s 18 provinces through a convening of international donors, implementers and government stakeholders to improve supply chain efficiencies, close information gaps and resulting in improved commodity security.  Speaking during a visit to the East and… Continue reading Supply Chain Management improves access to contraceptives in Angola