Family Planning: A Critical Lever for Sustainable Development and Beyond

Writer: Salman Khalid The discourse on family planning has traveled from the very narrow confines of “population control,” as it was once known, to emerge as one of the bulwarks on which rests the edifice of “sustainable development,” “human rights,” and “universal health”. Let us explore the deep interlinkages between family planning and gender equality,… Continue reading Family Planning: A Critical Lever for Sustainable Development and Beyond

News and updates from FP2030

Dear colleague, It’s International Youth Day, and I’m thrilled to use this moment to spotlight some of the youth-led work the FP2030 Partnership Fund, supported by MSD for Mothers and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, has funded. The FP2030 Partnership Fund launched in January, and has now concluded two rounds of “challenges,” one open to several… Continue reading News and updates from FP2030

Meet our Youth Participants in the 5th Conference on Population and Development in Latin America and the Caribbean

The 5th Population and Development Conference is a momentous event that brings together leaders, experts, and activists from around the world to discuss and address the challenges and opportunities in population and development issues. This year, the event was further highlighted by the presence of talented youth representatives from FP2030 LAC Hub, Save the Children,… Continue reading Meet our Youth Participants in the 5th Conference on Population and Development in Latin America and the Caribbean

FP2030 and PROPEL Adapt to advance South Sudan’s Emergency Preparedness and Response Commitments and increase family planning amid multiple crises

Flooded houses in Bentiu City, South Sudan

As leaders from South Sudan’s family planning community arrived at the Pyramid Hotel in Juba on March 25, news headlines announced that record-breaking heat would keep schools closed for another day. Dangerous temperatures—and the threats of climate change—are among multiple crises facing South Sudan that compelled the Ministry of Health of South Sudan (MOHSS), FP2030,… Continue reading FP2030 and PROPEL Adapt to advance South Sudan’s Emergency Preparedness and Response Commitments and increase family planning amid multiple crises

¡Conoce a las organizaciones ganadoras del fondo FP2030 LAC hub!

En Share-Net Colombia y FP2030 LAC Hub unimos esfuerzos para promover el acceso a la Salud y a los Derechos Sexuales y Reproductivos en nuestra región, por esta razón, creamos una convocatoria que buscó promover y visibilizar el rol de la sociedad civil -específicamente de organizaciones de adolescentes y jóvenes- en proyectos enfocados en políticas… Continue reading ¡Conoce a las organizaciones ganadoras del fondo FP2030 LAC hub!

Overcoming Barriers to Family Planning in the Middle East

By Sara Haraoui, FP2030 Intern Growing up in the Middle East and witnessing firsthand the challenges and barriers women face in accessing family planning has fueled my passion for researching and writing about this topic. As a woman and an Arab, I am deeply invested in shedding light on these issues and advocating for better… Continue reading Overcoming Barriers to Family Planning in the Middle East

Strengthening Emergency Preparedness and Response for Sexual Reproductive Health in the Republic of Mali

By Oren Jusu, Director Emergency Preparedness and Response and Nesrine Talbi, Consultant Emergency Preparedness and Response   Mali grapples with numerous health disparities, exacerbated by factors such as poverty, conflict, political instability and climate crisis. UNOCHA estimates that 7.1 million people in Mali need humanitarian assistance including 23 percent of women and 54 percent of children.… Continue reading Strengthening Emergency Preparedness and Response for Sexual Reproductive Health in the Republic of Mali

Results of the Opinion Survey on the Importance of FP2030 Agenda Topics in LAC: Perspectives from Civil Society, Adolescents and Youth, the Public Sector, Academia, and Donors

According to a recent survey in the Latin America and Carribean (LAC) region, the highest priority issue in the region is childhood and adolescent pregnancy (85.1%), followed by access to reproductive health services (84.2%), comprehensive sexual education (83.5%), access to contraceptive methods (83.3%), and the promotion of sexual and reproductive rights (75.0%). The survey was… Continue reading Results of the Opinion Survey on the Importance of FP2030 Agenda Topics in LAC: Perspectives from Civil Society, Adolescents and Youth, the Public Sector, Academia, and Donors

Breaking Barriers to Close the Gender Gap in Health Supply Chain Management

Supply chain management has historically been perceived as a male-dominated workforce, with men occupying the majority of management roles in distribution and warehousing. This perception, alongside limited educational opportunities, has made it more difficult for women to gain entry or advance in the supply chain industry.   Nevertheless, women are increasingly becoming supply chain professionals and… Continue reading Breaking Barriers to Close the Gender Gap in Health Supply Chain Management