In August 2016, the Government of Kenya shared an update on progress in achieving its program and service delivery commitments to FP2020.
The government reports performing the following activities in support of its program and service delivery commitment:
- The voucher system, originally committed to as part of the Government of Kenya’s 2012 commitment to Family Planning 2020, has been replaced by the free maternal health care which is provided in all public health facilities.
- No new youth empowerment centres have been established, and information and communications technology services have been scaled up in these empowerment centres; however, provision of reproductive health services is still quite weak due to the lack of youth-friendly services in these centers.
- With the change in governance structure, devolution has increased participation of local communities in decisions at the local level. Health services are devolved and county health managers are directly involved in formulating their priorities. Public participation is ensured through representation by the members of the county assemblies as well as in public hearings during budgeting process. The national government continued to provide resources to health facilities through the Health Sector Services Fund which is managed by local committees.
Advocacy continues to encourage more women to use family planning as well as to dispel myths and misconceptions. This was done through the media, peer groups, mobilization for out-reach services and by observance of global days e.g. the World Contraception Day.