News and Updates from FP2030

Dear Colleagues,

If we have not yet had the pleasure to meet, let us introduce ourselves: We are Liliana Schmitz and Nora Quesada, and we are working to expand FP2030 into the Latin America region. When we joined FP2030 last winter, our work was cut out for us: the partnership had no previous commitments from the region, and few longstanding partnerships.

We set to work building that network, and we’re pleased with FP2030’s initial success. We’ve welcomed eight commitments from the region: RedLAC, Elige in Mexico, INNOVA in Panama, Orientame Foundation and Profamilia in Colombia, Fos Feminista Global, CIES in Bolivia, and Alianmisar in Guatemala.

Now, we’re delighted to announce the Hub Host application process for a Latin America & Caribbean Regional Hub (also available in Spanish). Earlier this year, FP2030 shared the partnership will be dispersing from one headquarters in Washington, DC, to five regional hubs globally. Two hubs in Africa were announced in March, and we’re pleased to begin the process for establishing the Latin America & Caribbean Hub now. To learn more about this process, please visit our website.

We’re also looking forward to sharing more about this process at an upcoming webinar: FP2030 is landing in Latin America and the Caribbean! JOIN US! on June 2. The webinar will introduce FP2030’s expanded global partnership to LAC audiences who haven’t worked with us before, as well as introduce the FP2030 Request for Expressions of Interest (RFI) process to identify a regional host for the new hub and encourage organizations to apply. Register for the webinar today, and please share it with your networks in the region.

This newsletter focuses on detailing our plans for the Latin America and Caribbean region and sharing some new tools and updates from the FP2030 network.

We look forward to working with you,

Liliana Schmitz, FP2030 Consultant, Latin America and Caribbean
Nora Quesada, FP2030 Consultant, Latin America and Caribbean

FP2030 Arrives in Latin America and the Caribbean

After eight years of work in Africa and Asia, FP2030 has arrived in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC), and it is here to stay. Why wasn’t FP2020 more present in the LAC region, and what has changed now? Several exciting shifts have led to this moment.  Read more.

New Family Planning Data Resources Now Available

The FP2030 Data Dashboard is now live on the data hub! The dashboard highlights key indicators from the FP2030 measurement framework and data on family planning financing from the latest FP2030 Measurement Report. The indicators include total users, modern contraceptive prevalence, unmet need, demand satisfied, method mix, and method information index. This dashboard is the first iteration that features unmet need and demand satisfied country data disaggregated by all women. Family planning financing indicators such as domestic expenditures and donor bilateral disbursements are also included. Users can toggle to view the data for all low and lower-middle income countries as a table, graph, and map. Access the full interactive dashboard here.

Upcoming Webinars

Please join our upcoming webinar: FP2030 is Landing in Latin America and the Caribbean, JOIN US!, for an overview of the hub host application process, and an introduction of FP2030 for audiences who may not be familiar with the partnership. We look forward to joining you! Register today and join us on June 2.

Digital Training Approaches for Family Planning Providers: Emerging Evidence and Resources

The Hormonal IUD Access Group
June 2, 9 am ET

Contraceptive Method Introduction to Expand Choice: A Strategic Planning Guide

High Impact Practices in Family Planning (HIP) and WHO/IBP Network

June 6, 9 am ET


The Power of Partnerships: Country Perspectives for Sustainable Global Health and Family Planning Programs

The Wilson Center Maternal Health Initiative/USAID’s MOMENTUM Country and Global Leadership

June 14, 9 am ET


Building 2030

FP2030 is starting the process of building the third FP2030 regional hub outside North America: the Latin America and Caribbean hub. The partnership is now seeking hub host applications from organizations based in the region interested in hosting an FP2030 hub. Learn more on our website (also available in Spanish).

In Other News

Have you listened to Inside the FP Story, Season 3? This season focuses on gender integration in family planning, with the first three episodes focusing on integration broadly, male engagement, and gender based violence.

Making Abortion Safe: A new suite of resources from the Royal College of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists. Eight eTutorials are available to help health workers, healthcare, students and clinical educators gain practical and applicable knowledge about safe abortion care across global contexts.

Around the world, millions of LGBTIQ+ people continue to face violence and oppression – especially when trying to access reproductive healthcare. May 17 was the International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia, and Transphobia – don’t miss the UN Secretary-General’s call to build a world of peace, inclusion, freedom and equality for all.