Apply to Join the PME Working Group!

PME Working Group

The Performance Monitoring and Evidence Working Group (PME WG) is a platform for collaboration and discussion that brings together the foremost leaders, thinkers, and practitioners in family planning measurement. It plays a critical role in the success of FP2030 – a global partnership of governments, civil society, multilateral organizations, donors, the private sector and research community, working together to advance the family planning movement and to promote evidence-based family planning programs.

Convened by FP2030 the PME WG provides technical advice and support for monitoring progress towards FP2030 goals, promotes the use of data for decision-making, and contributes to the improvement and understanding of quantitative measures and evidence in key dimensions of family planning, including the FP2030 measurement framework.

Membership Roles & Responsiblities

PME WG members work closely with the PME WG co-leads and FP2030’s data support staff to develop an annual Activity Plan that contributes to the FP2030 Measurement Agenda. Members of the PME WG are responsible for providing technical and strategic advice in their areas of expertise, sharing their specific knowledge and experience, working towards stakeholder alignment in their respective spheres of influence, promoting the principles and activities of FP2030, and liaising with their communities of practice, building relationships, and encouraging engagement with the FP2030 partnership.

Members are expected to actively engage in Working Group activities and attend in-person meetings. Accepted applicants will be invited to serve a two-year term, with the possibility of an extension.

Membership Qualifications

The PME WG is comprised of leaders in family planning measurement. Overall membership is meant to be representative of the global family planning community, specifically including:

  • The different parts of the family planning data architecture, including data collection agencies, modelers, researchers, program implementers and advocates.
  • A broad range of technical skills and thematic expertise, reflecting the FP2030 measurement agenda.
  • Candidates should possess a strong understanding of family planning data and standard family planning indicators, including the FP2030 Measurement framework, and have extensive experience working on family planning in developing countries.

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