In Guatemala, the Law of Universal and Equitable Access to Family Planning Services and its Integration into the National Reproductive Health Program establishes in Article 10, titled “Comprehensive Training for Adolescents,” that the Ministry of Public Health and Social Assistance, in coordination with the Ministry of Education and other public and private organizations, must include in the curriculum content on rights and responsibilities for the promotion and self-care of health, sexuality, and prevention of early unintended pregnancy. It is important to note that in October 2022, various civil society organizations and collectives presented Bill 6157 to Congress, focused on implementing CSE (Comprehensive Sexuality Education). Currently, there is the Youth Assembly, made up of ten organizations promoting CSE, with Oxlajuj N’oj as part of the assembly, led by INCIDEJOVEN. This Youth Assembly is committed to continuing advocacy and lobbying for the bill to be passed by Congress. Oxlajuj N’oj is committed to supporting these initiatives to make it law, informing on the bill’s process, actions taken, and participating in discussion forums.
In response to these risk factors contributing to maternal-infant mortality, unintended pregnancies, and sexually transmitted infections, since 2020, we have been working on virtual schools for CSE, workshops, webinars, and discussion forums, benefiting over 2,000 young people, teachers, and parents over the last four years. In January 2024, Oxlajuj N’oj began its Family Planning program in partnership with Alas de Guatemala, which operates throughout the national territory. In the eastern part of the country, this collaboration has benefited 100 women.