Associação Portal Catarinas

We are a non-profit association that works at the intersection of communication and human rights, through feminist and anti-racist journalism.

All our content is published openly and free of charge on Portal Catarinas. Founded in 2016, entirely by women, based on demands from the feminist movement, we produce journalistic content aimed at defending human and fundamental rights, especially those of women. Our report on how a Brazilian judge and prosecutor tried to persuade an 11-year-old girl not to access the right to abortion received an honorable mention at the 2023 Roche Prize and was a finalist for the 2023 Gabo Prize. In addition, after the case was reported through our report, the 11-year-old girl was able to access the right to legal abortion.  

Currently, Portal Catarinas has an average of 5 thousand visits per day. On social media, we are a community of 43 thousand people on Facebook and 71.1 thousand people on Instagram. Since 2016, we have also been part of a coalition made up of 13 organizations working for reproductive justice, which benefits around 1,000 people directly and 800,000 indirectly.  

We adopt a broad conceptualization of human rights and sexual and reproductive rights and understand them through an intersectional perspective (meaning that black, indigenous, peripheral and LGBTQIA+ people have even less access to reproductive policies and are more affected by gender inequalities). We also understand that in times of crisis, such as political and climate crises, women and minority populations are the most affected and their rights are infringed. At Portal Catarinas we denounce and articulate actions against human rights violations, through journalistic coverage and feminist communication actions.