News and Updates from FP2030

Bethel, a medical student, participates in a meeting at the Talent Youth Association (TaYA) office. TaYA is a nonprofit promoting the health and well-being of Ethiopia’s youth. One example of its empowerment work is its participation in the Youth Challenge Initiative (YCI), a project led by the Youth Network for Sustainable Development. YCI aims to increase access to adolescent and youth sexual and reproductive health information and services. It also strives to meaningfully engage young people in its work and elevate the capacity of selected youth-led organizations.

Advocacy and accountability are two pillars of the FP2030 agenda.

Getting to what works in adolescent sexual and reproductive health: FP2030 commitments can help

Countless papers, opinion pieces, and studies begin by stating that the current generation of adolescents is the largest in human history — and growing. In 2019, there were about 1.2 billion adolescents aged 15-24, and the adolescent population is expected to peak at nearly 1.4 billion by 2065, should it maintain the present trajectory. While the challenges for a youthful country are many, there are also opportunities, provided governments and the private sector invest adequately in the education, employment, and health of young people. The next eight years represent an unprecedented opportunity to bring about the transformational change that is needed to achieve both the Sustainable Development Goals and the vision of FP2030. However, it’s unlikely these goals will be fully attained without far greater efforts to meet the health needs and preferences of young people everywhere.